I’d like to talk about a different kind of PP&E. Planning, Preparation and Execution. In my three careers, (lawyer, polar expedition leader and photographer) I’ve found PP&E critical to achieving great results. I took this shot yesterday two minutes after arriving on location, however, the shot was not two minutes in the making.  

In reality this image took days to capture as I hiked looking for the right flower (I wanted a pleasing looking Tasmanian Waratah with the right backdrop (no distractions) in the right light (I found the location but the weather (and light) is notoriously fickle here) and with the bird in the right position (I had to be close enough but very subtle in my movements so as not to disturb it).  

Obviously years of practice capturing fleeting moments helps. So, even if you do not have a particular image or project in mind, go out and practice practice practice those skills so you can execute seamlessly and confidently when the moment you really want to capture happens.

The more I study great photographers the more I see great PP&E. ‘Fake it till you make it’ is not a plan. 

The next image was one I took earlier in the week while location scouting for the honeyeater shot. I had to quickly narrow my aperture to get the flower in full focus at close quarters at 400mm. I needed to Zoom right in to ensure the full array of colour from the rainbow in the background filled the frame. While this required a quick response, that quick response and choice of settings was informed by years of practice.

I hope you enjoy the shots. If you’d like to learn at your speed, one on one via Zoom, there are tuition packs available here and if you’d like a print of either of these two images, while they’re not yet up on the website, just email me to let me know and we can figure out the rest.

Wishing you all a rewarding, creative and joyous 2021 despite the challenges. Thanks so much fore reading and following along on my photographic journey.

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